Kenya -Rapid Church Planting 
Strategy (RCPS)

And Moses said to the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben: “Shall your brethren
go to war while you sit here?” (Number 32:6)
GCI intends to evangelize every Kenya county where each of her members come from and launching new churches in those counties as follows:

Our goal:
1) To plan definite and radical involvement in evangelism and church planting outreaches
2) To focus on sustained prayer for church planting in every county (47) by 2030 and beyond
3 To commit significant manpower and financial resources to church planting initiatives.
Twenty-five churches have been planted and continue to grow at various stages since the launch of RCPS vision.
How to participate:
We invite you to be part of this great harvest of souls by adopting one of the forty-seven counties.
You can participate in the following ways:
Adopting a county as a friend or a ministry partner of the Gospel Centers International.
This can be done by prayer and generous giving through the LSSC Great Commission.

Our Sister Church

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Iglesia Brazos Abiertos, Peña Blanca, Honduras
Nestled in the mountains of Honduras in a small town called Peña Blanca is our sister church, Iglesia Brazos Abiertos. We have partnered with them for over 10 years to help further the Kingdom of God in the Peña Blanca community.
Our sister church in Honduras is nearly 3,000 miles away from Glenwood, Illinois.
We correspond with the church throughout the year, collaborating on various projects. And once a year a team from Living Springs goes down for a time of fellowship, worship, and bonding, while working with Iglesia Brazos Abiertos on a local project.

Our sister church in Honduras is nearly 3,000 miles away from Glenwood, Illinois.
We correspond with the church throughout the year, collaborating on various projects. And once a year a team from Living Springs goes down for a time of fellowship, worship, and bonding, while working with Iglesia Brazos Abiertos on a local project.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.