How it all started...
Our Story Began in 1951 when the denomination we are affiliated with – The Reformed Church in America (The RCA), identified the need to plant a local church in the growing suburb of Homewood. In 1952 Herman Ridder took the call to plant a church. Not waiting for buildings, worship services began in the Homewood Village Auditorium with 45 people. The first building, “the chapel” was built, but by 1955 the congregation outgrew this and a new Sanctuary was built in 1959.
The early years were known for innovative outreach including the New Gate Coffee House in Downtown Homewood (a Community gathering place to build relationships and share the good news), community Bible Studies, Chili Jubilee (a talent show), and Bibletimes Marketplace (a Summer VBS that became a major community event as each summer hundreds of children enjoyed an imaginary journey back into Bible Times as the church grounds were transformed into an ancient Judean 1st Century village.
The early years were known for innovative outreach including the New Gate Coffee House in Downtown Homewood (a Community gathering place to build relationships and share the good news), community Bible Studies, Chili Jubilee (a talent show), and Bibletimes Marketplace (a Summer VBS that became a major community event as each summer hundreds of children enjoyed an imaginary journey back into Bible Times as the church grounds were transformed into an ancient Judean 1st Century village.

By the late ’90s, the church and community grew in size and diversity. With new growth, the congregation made some major decisions. First, by God’s leading, we changed the church name from Homewood Reformed church to Living Springs Community Church. We also recognized the church facilities had become inadequate for our growing church, and by the grace of God and the faithful determination of the church bought land, built a beautiful new facility, and opened its doors in June 2002.
However, our building is so much more than a church, and the church is so much more than a building. A vision emerged for Living Springs which was becoming a Spirit-Filled, multicultural church that radically blesses our community and beyond. Our church more and more reflected this God-given vision and the building and its ministries have become a center for rich worship, multicultural engagement, and community impact.
However, our building is so much more than a church, and the church is so much more than a building. A vision emerged for Living Springs which was becoming a Spirit-Filled, multicultural church that radically blesses our community and beyond. Our church more and more reflected this God-given vision and the building and its ministries have become a center for rich worship, multicultural engagement, and community impact.
Where we are headed...
Regardless of your age, race, marital status, or anything else you think separates you, YOU are welcome at Living Springs, and we would love to have you as a part of this beautiful body of Christ. Come join us on a journey as we grow, gather and go together.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00am in our two locations.