The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, to bind up the brokenhearted,
and to proclaim freedom for the captives.
Isaiah 61
S.O.A.R. exists to encourage, empower, and equip youth to be lovesick, forerunners who carry the dreams of the father's heart to all of their spheres of influence.
We are calling all high school students to live a life that is Sold Out And Ruined for Jesus. We believe God’s arm is not too short that it cannot save those struggling with even the deepest darkest secret sin. Many of us have already experienced freedom from these very things. It is our hope that when we meet together we don’t just have a nice religious service, rather we want to encounter the living God that transforms the way we live, the way we give, and the way we love and serve. Come join us!
For more info on our upcoming events and to access our calendar please download the app.
We are calling all high school students to live a life that is Sold Out And Ruined for Jesus. We believe God’s arm is not too short that it cannot save those struggling with even the deepest darkest secret sin. Many of us have already experienced freedom from these very things. It is our hope that when we meet together we don’t just have a nice religious service, rather we want to encounter the living God that transforms the way we live, the way we give, and the way we love and serve. Come join us!
For more info on our upcoming events and to access our calendar please download the app.

When We Meet
Sundays 7-9pm
September-May in room 245