Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Iglesia Brazos Abiertos, Peña Blanca, Honduras
Nestled in the mountains of Honduras in a small town called Peña Blanca is our sister church, Iglesia Brazos Abiertos. We have partnered with them for over 10 years to help further the Kingdom of God in the Peña Blanca community.
Nestled in the mountains of Honduras in a small town called Peña Blanca is our sister church, Iglesia Brazos Abiertos. We have partnered with them for over 10 years to help further the Kingdom of God in the Peña Blanca community.
Our sister church in Honduras is nearly 3,000 miles away from Glenwood, Illinois.
We correspond with the church throughout the year, collaborating on various projects. And once a year a team from Living Springs goes down for a time of fellowship, worship, and bonding, while working with Iglesia Brazos Abiertos on a local project.
We correspond with the church throughout the year, collaborating on various projects. And once a year a team from Living Springs goes down for a time of fellowship, worship, and bonding, while working with Iglesia Brazos Abiertos on a local project.
Our sister church in Honduras is nearly 3,000 miles away from Glenwood, Illinois.
We correspond with the church throughout the year, collaborating on various projects. And once a year a team from Living Springs goes down for a time of fellowship, worship, and bonding, while working with Iglesia Brazos Abiertos on a local project.

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Serve the Kingdom on upcoming mission trips to Honduras
Keep watching as new updates are announced for our next mission trip to Honduras!